Admission procedure
Regulation on the procedure for admission to the postgraduate studies of the State Institution "Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus" No. 14 dated 02.26.2021
1.The present Regulation on the procedure for admission to the postgraduate studies of the State Institution "Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus" (hereinafter - Regulation) defines the procedure for planning and training - at the State Institution "Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter - SPC), at the expense of the republican budget, - highly qualified scientific workers from among the staff of the State Forensic Examination Committee (hereinafter – State Committee), having special ranks; civilian personnel of the State Committee; staff, employees of the organizations subordinated to the State Committee, as well as other citizens of the Republic of Belarus, stateless persons and foreign citizens.
2.Admission to the SPC postgraduate studies of candidates from among the staff of the State Committee, having special ranks, civilian personnel of the State Committee; staff, employees of the organizations subordinated to the State Committee – is carried out in the manner prescribed by:
- Education Code of the Republic of Belarus;
- The Regulations on the training of highly qualified scientific workers in the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No.561 dated 01.12.2011 “On some issues of training and certification of higher qualification scientists”, taking into account the features established in this Regulation;
- Instructions on the issues of admission to the postgraduate studies of the State Institution “Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee the Republic of Belarus", approved by the order of the Chairman of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus No. 93 dated 27.05.2019 "On the issues of admission to the postgraduate studies of the State Institution “Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee the Republic of Belarus";
- Resolution of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus No. 62 dated 12.06.2012 "On the list of documents to be submitted by persons entering postgraduate studies, doctoral studies";
- the present Regulation;
- other regulatory legal acts, local legal acts.
3.Admission to the SPC postgraduate studies of candidates from among the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, stateless persons and foreign citizens is being implemented with the procedure laid down in:
- Education Code of the Republic of Belarus;
- The Regulations on the training of highly qualified scientific workers in the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No.561 dated 01.12.2011 “On some issues of training and certification of higher qualification scientists”, taking into account the features established in this Regulation;
- Resolution of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus No. 62 dated 12.06.2012 "On the list of documents to be submitted by persons entering postgraduate studies, doctoral studies";
- the present Regulation;
- other regulatory legal acts, local legal acts.
4.The SPC offers training in the specialties:
- 12.00.12 - criminalistics; operational-search activity (legal sciences);
- 12.00.16 - forensic activity (biological, chemical, legal sciences) for the implementation of the educational program of postgraduate education of the first stage (postgraduate study) in the form of special degree programs (applicant), providing the scientific qualification "Researcher". Special degree programs as a form of (Academic) training of highly qualified researchers of the 1st degree of postgraduate studies along with mastering the educational program of postgraduate studies also includes preparation and passing of postgraduate exams and tests in general educational disciplines in cases when the training, in the form of special degree programs, is undergone by persons who do not have a master's degree.
The term of postgraduate studies in the form of special degree programs should not exceed five years.
5.(Academic) training of highly qualified researchers in the SPC is carried out at the expense of the republican budget, organizations, individual entrepreneurs or other individuals, including own funds of a citizens receiving a postgraduate education on the basis of contracts concluded in accordance with the Law. Training of foreign citizens in the postgraduate studies of the SPC is carried out only on a fee basis.
6.Admission to the SPC postgraduate studies undergoing training at the expense of the republican budget is carried out in accordance with the control numbers of admission to receive postgraduate education. Control figures for receiving postgraduate education in the SPC are established by the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the legislation on planning, financing and monitoring the preparation of highly qualified scientists.
7.Persons entering postgraduate studies should have:
a higher education;
propensity to research, as evidenced by scientific publications, participation in research and innovation projects, conferences or by other materials;
practical experience of at least two years in positions requiring higher education;
It is allowed to enroll in postgraduate studies of persons whose specialty (specialization) of higher education does not correspond to the branch of science in whose specialty they are planning to undergo a postgraduate training. In the course of training these individuals must also pass an exam in the scope of the general educational program of the higher educational establishment in a specialty (specialization) that coincides with or is close to a specialty in postgraduate study. Foreign nationals enrolling in postgraduate study should have a higher education at the level of a Master of Science (Arts) and speak a language of instruction at the level sufficient to master the educational program of the postgraduate training.
8. Every year, till the 1st of July, the SPC publishes an announcement of admission to postgraduate studies in one of the following newspapers: "Советская Белоруссия" (Sovetskaya Belorusia), "Рэспублiка" (Respoublika), "Звязда" (Zvyazda), "Народная газета" (Narodnaya Gazeta), "Белорусская нива" (Belorusskaya Niva). The announcement should specify the number of places in accordance with the target admission of postgraduates, established by the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus with an indication of a specialty and a form of education defined in part 1 of paragraph 4 of this Regulation.
9. Admission to the SPC postgraduate studies of candidates from among the staff of the State Committee, having special ranks, civilian personnel of the State Committee; staff, employees of the organizations subordinated to the State Committee – should submit to the name of the head of the SPC (or the person replacing him) an application of the established form to which the following documents are attached:
- a personal record sheet;
- a resume;
- a copy of the diploma of higher education and an extract from the test examination sheet attached to it or a copy of a document of education confirming the acquisition of education equivalent to the 1st stage of higher education in the Republic of Belarus, with an indication of the studied disciplines and marks (points) obtained on them;
- copies of a Master's diploma and an extract from the credit or
an examination certificate or a copy of the education certificate confirming the acquisition of education equivalent to the 2nd stage of higher education in the Republic of Belarus, indicating the studied disciplines and marks (points) obtained on them (if any);
- a copy of an employment record or other documents confirming the work experience;
- application for the need for highly qualified scientific workers for inclusion in the reception plan (if available);
- a list and copies of published scientific works and, in case of their absence, a scientific abstract on a profile of the specialty for which training is carried out in the SPC;
- documents confirming participation in the implementation of research and innovation projects, copies of materials and / or abstracts of reports at scientific, research and practical conferences, congresses, symposia and other similar events (if any);
- conclusion of a laboratory’s scientific seminar (department meeting) on the relevance of the topic, the quality and volume of the independently carried out research on the topic of the theses prepared by;
- documents giving the right of priority to enroll in postgraduate studies to obtain the scientific qualification "Researcher" (if any);
- two photographs 4 x 6 cm;
- a document on coordination with the President of the Republic of Belarus, a head of a state body or other state organization of the thesis research (for persons referred to in paragraph 39 of the Regulations on awarding scientific degrees and awarding academic degrees in the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 17, 2004, No 560);
- medical health certificate;
- an identity document and original documents on education are presented by a person, entering postgraduate study, personally.
10. Admission to the SPC postgraduate studies of candidates from among the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, stateless persons and foreign citizens – should submit to the name of the head of the SPC (or the person replacing him) an application of the established form to which the following documents are attached:
- a document on coordination with the President of the Republic of Belarus, a head of a state body or other state organization of the thesis research (for persons referred to in paragraph 39 of the Regulations on awarding scientific degrees and awarding academic degrees in the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 17, 2004, No 560);
- a personal record sheet;
- a resume;
- a copy of the diploma of higher education and an extract from the test examination sheet attached to it or a copy of a document of education confirming the acquisition of education equivalent to the 1st stage of higher education in the Republic of Belarus, with an indication of the studied disciplines and marks (points) obtained on them;
- copies of a master's diploma and an extract from the credit or
an examination certificate or a copy of the education certificate confirming the acquisition of education equivalent to the 2nd stage of higher education in the Republic of Belarus, indicating the studied disciplines and marks (points) obtained on them (for the citizens of the Republic of Belarus - if any);
- copies of entrance examinations for postgraduate studies certificates (differentiated tests) and entrance exams in general education subjects (if available);
- recommendations of an Academic Council (a Council) or a faculty of a higher education establishment (for persons entering postgraduate school to obtain the scientific qualification "Researcher" in the year of receiving higher education in this institution) or a copy of an employment record or other documents confirming the work experience;
- application of the organization recruiting the personnel (if available);
- a list and copies of published scientific works and, in case of their absence, a scientific abstract on a profile of the specialty for which training is carried out in the SPC ;
- documents confirming participation in the implementation of research and innovation projects, copies of materials and / or abstracts of reports at scientific, research and practical conferences, congresses, symposia and other similar events (if any);
- conclusion of a laboratory’s scientific seminar (department meeting) on the relevance of the topic, the quality and volume of the independently carried out research on the topic of the theses prepared by;
- documents giving the right of priority to enroll in postgraduate studies to obtain the scientific qualification "Researcher" (if any);
- two photographs 4 x 6 cm;
- medical certificate in the form established by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus for entering higher educational establishments (for citizens of the Republic of Belarus);
- conclusion of a medical consultation commission issued by a territorial health organization of the Republic of Belarus (after undergoing the compulsory medical examination by assignment of the Scientific and Practical Center) (for foreign citizens and stateless persons);
- a medical report on the state of health and a certificate of absence of HIV infection issued by the official health authority of the country from which the candidate for postgraduate education came (for foreign citizens and stateless persons);
- a copy of a passport or a document replacing it, a document confirming the right to stay in the Republic of Belarus, contract of compulsory health insurance (for foreign citizens and stateless persons);
- Foreign citizens and stateless persons entering graduate school in accordance with international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, treaties on the implementation of international programs, Agreements of the Scientific and Practical Center with organizations of foreign states (international organizations) or by the assignment of a foreign state organization, provide an additional copy of one of the above Agreements or an assignment of a foreign state organization.
- The above-mentioned documents, executed in a foreign language, are simultaneously accompanied by their translation into Belarusian or Russian language, certified by a notary.
- An identity document and original documents on education are presented by a person, entering postgraduate study, personally.
11.Citizens of the Republic of Belarus, stateless persons and foreign citizens who are holders of foreign diplomas of higher education and academic degrees, before submitting documents for admission to a postgraduate study, should confirm the equivalence (conformity) of their foreign documents to the Belarusian higher education diplomas and degrees in the manner prescribed by the Legislative Acts.
12.Reception of documents for admission to the SPC postgraduate study is carried out from August 1 to September 30.
13.The process of entry to postgraduate study does not require passing an entrance exam. Admission to postgraduate studies is carried out on a competitive basis from the 1st of October till the 31st of October.
14.For admission to postgraduate studies a selection committee is created by an order of the head of the SPC or a person replacing him. The selection committee is formed from among specialists with academic degrees. It also includes the staff of the SPC responsible for postgraduate education in accordance with the order of its head.
The admission committee considers the submitted documents, conducts interviews with applicants for postgraduate studies and accepts the conclusion of the admission committee, which assesses the relevance of a topic of a thesis research, proposal for admission to participation in the competition, recommendation for candidates of the proposed scientific leaders. A conclusion of the selection committee is made in the form of an extract from the minutes of its meeting.
15. On the basis of this selection committee conclusion, the head of the SPC issues an order in which information on the admission to the competition and the date of summing up its results are indicated.
16. A decision on the persons’ enrollment for postgraduate studies is made by the admission committee on the basis of the conclusions of the laboratory’ scientific seminar (chair meeting), submitted by an applicant, about the relevance of the topic, quality and volume of research on the topic of the thesis being prepared by this person independently, taking into account the grades in the extract from the test and examination sheets attached to the higher education diploma.
17. Persons, who have not passed the competition for training at the expense of the republican budget, have the right to participate in the competition for training in postgraduate studies on a fee basis.
18. On the basis of a decision of the admission committee on enrollment in postgraduate studies following the results of the competition, the SPC, in the prescribed manner, will enter into Agreement on the training of a highly qualified scientific worker in a weekly period. The Agreement is signed by the three parties: the postgraduate student (applicant), the Contractor (SPC) and the Customer.
19. After concluding the Agreement on preparation of a highly qualified researcher, the enrollment in the postgraduate studies is issued by an order of a head of the SPC or a person replacing him.